Top Beatles Tribute for Hire

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Leading tribute band dedicated to performing Beatles songs

Festival finished yesterday and it was a great success, but the highlight was the VoxBeatles on the first Saturday evening! We have had so many people telling us how much they enjoyed your gig.  On behalf of the Committee I would like to say a huge thank you to you all and hope that we can arrange for you to visit us again.
Many regards
JACKIE PILCHER– Festival Secretary


Best Beatles Tribute Entertainment

We really do want you to have the best entertainment for your function so we

are extremely adaptable and respectful 

for all your needs.
Ultimate Beatles
 A typical function i.e. Wedding or Party

we would usually play for a minimum of around two hours being either:-

2 x 45 minute sets plus encores


2 x 60 minute sets 

 First sets usually comprise of us wearing the Black Chesterfield Suits

  and the second set the Shea stadium jackets.  For a third set or

longer sets, we would also normally

change into later 68-69 Rooftop look

or Sgt Peppers.. it's your's your function and we want you to remember it for years to come !

We can also provide background interval music at your request

All of our equipment is PAT tested and

we have Public Liability Insurance (certificates presented upon request)

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​​​Please feel free to contact  THE VOX BEATLES  established leading tribute band dedicated to performing Beatles songs we all know and love to hear !  

One of UK's top ten authentic beatles tribute acts to hire....  

Use the contact form below to send your enquiry "Anytime At All"

or alternatively email us at

​You can also phone us for a friendly no-obligation chat on

07796 484605  to"Help"  you make the right decision !

Please take a look at some of our testimonials below